TMB for Education

TestMyBrain has been a resource for educators since the project began in 2005, as a way of providing classroom demonstrations of cognitive phenomena, neuropsychological assessment, and cognitive experimental methods. It has also been incorporated into student assignments and used by students in methods courses and as part of student projects. Here are some ways that educators and students have used our tools in the past:

Learn more about our educational tools below! Please email with any questions.

Recommended TMB Educational Tools

For Classroom Research Projects

Example cognitive test battery called NIH General Cognitive Index - Matrix Reasoning and Digit Symbol Matching

To support educational needs for digital cognitive assessment, we provide access to the TestMyBrain Cognitive Science Toolkit (previously known as the TMB Open Research and Education Page) which has 17 of our most popular cognitive tests as well as the ability to download raw trial-by-trial data and computed cognitive score data for these tests. This tool is designed for use by educators in the classroom to support the demonstration of commonly used cognitive tests along with access to simple cognitive assessment infrastructure for classroom projects.

To learn more and to register to use the TMB CogSci Toolkit, please contact us at We typically respond in 1-2 business days.

For Data Analysis Projects

Image of a graph of age-related performance differences for TMB Multiracial Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test

The TestMyBrain Analysis Toolkit provides real datasets from 1,000 participants (ages 18 to 89) that have previously taken a particular test as part of the TMB Citizen Science Digital Laboratory. These datasets include raw trial-by-trial data, computed scores, as well as basic demographic information (age, gender, and education).

The TMB Analysis Toolkit datasets are freely available to individuals that register for the toolkit and can be used to support training in statistics, data science, and research methods. The TMB Analysis Toolkit also includes data codebooks, comprehensive test descriptions, and references to appropriate literature that support analysis and interpretation.

If you are planning on including data visualizations in any of your lessons, we recommend the public resources provided by ShowMyData, which allow an easy transformation of data into a variety of graphs, charts, and plots.

To register for the TMB Analysis Toolkit, please contact us at We typically respond in 1-2 business days.

Learn about Common Brain Myths

Take the TestMyBrain Neuromyths Quiz and test your knowledge of common misconceptions about the mind and brain! Neuromyths are misconceptions about brain research and its application to education and learning. We created a quiz that explores common neuromyths and the quiz results have contributed to multiple research studies' publications. We now offer the TMB Neuromyths Quiz as a way for educators and students to learn about their own assumptions about the mind and brain.

A note for educators:

If you are considering using the TestMyBrain Citizen Science Digital Laboratory (studies posted on the Home page of this site) in the classroom or for other educational purposes, please note that we are constantly adding, removing, and changing research studies and tests. Many research studies also include under-the-hood randomization and condition assignment algorithms that mean that two people clicking on the same link in our Digital Lab may receive very different tests or experimental procedures.

For these reasons, we do not recommend using our Digital Lab for most educational purposes. Instead, you should contact us to register for the TMB CogSci Toolkit and TMB Analysis Toolkit that are more well-suited to educational use.