Welcome to TestMyBrain! We are a nonprofit, digital cognitive research initiative that began in 2005 to support researchers, educators, and everyday citizen scientists to learn more about our minds and brains. See our resources below for more information.
Rigorous science demands diverse participants and diverse perspectives. TestMyBrain is committed to supporting researchers who advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the U.S. and globally.
Want to learn more about your own mind and brain? TestMyBrain aims to engage and collaborate with citizen scientists like you, by providing tools to help you learn about yourself. Test yourself and contribute to brain research!
At the end of each brief research study, you will get a copy of your personalized results to keep (or share!). You can also take tests in Spanish!
Want to contribute to science while learning more about your own patterns of thinking and feeling? Researchers at the University of California – Davis are conducting a study to examine the link between social health (loneliness, isolation, support) and cognition (attention, memory, processing speed) in everyday life during middle and older adulthood. This study will involve a 1-hour baseline survey followed by three weeks of brief smartphone surveys. You will be compensated up to $125 for your time. To learn more and see if you qualify, click click here.