TestMyBrain Toolkits

Please email info@testmybrain.org for more info and to gain access to any of the below listed resources. Typical response time is 1-2 business days.  

TMB Digital Neuropsychology Toolkit

The landing page of the TMB Neuropsych Toolkit

The TestMyBrain Digital Neuropsychology Toolkit (TMB Neuropsych Toolkit) offers access to a selection of TestMyBrain tests that were determined to be the most clinically useful as measurements to supplement traditional neuropsychological assessment.

We created this tool in response to the outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic in 2020 to serve clinical neuropsychologists whose practices were intensely impacted by lockdowns and social distancing requirements. We are continuing to support this resource for use by clinicians or researchers with small or unfunded pilot studies.

The TMB Neuropsych Toolkit includes:

  • basic infrastructure for digital cognitive assessment
  • the ability to build custom test batteries for individual participants
  • retrieval of raw, summary, and normative data for each participant using an ID that is created at the same time as a battery link
  • no participant identifying information is collected by the TMB Neuropsych Toolkit

Please email info@testmybrain.org for more info and to gain access to the TMB Neuropsych Toolkit. Typical response time is 1-2 business days.

TMB Cognitive Science Toolkit

Formerly the TMB Open Research & Education page, the TestMyBrain Cognitive Science Toolkit (TMB CogSci Toolkit) provides access to a selection of TestMyBrain tests for use by educators in the classroom or by researchers in small or unfunded pilot studies.

The TMB CogSci Toolkit offers:

  • basic infrastructure for digital cognitive assessment
  • access to the TestMyBrain Analysis Toolkit that includes small datasets with raw and summary score data for N=1,000 participants, ages 18-89
  • participants complete tests through the TMB CogSci Toolkit and then send an automatically generated unique Results ID to the researcher, who can use this ID to access participant raw and summary score data
  • no participant identifying information is collected by the TMB CogSci Toolkit

Please email info@testmybrain.org for more info and to gain access to the TMB CogSci Toolkit. Typical response time is 1-2 business days.

As devices and browsers are ever-evolving, we occasionally need to update our toolkits to allow for continued use with modern technology. We post notices when we update, remove, or make additional cognitive tests available via our toolkits. However, if you need a stable digital testing environment, we recommend a TMB Custom Study.

TMB Custom Studies

TestMyBrain Custom Studies have all the features from the toolkits above, with additional capabilities:

Study Design
  • Access to all tests on the TestMyBrain Test List, including ultra-brief tests, and alternate cognitive test forms
  • Ability to provide cognitive testing in multiple languages
  • Integration of cognitive tests with externally hosted surveys or research instruments (e.g. REDCap, Qualtrics, ExpiWell, MetricWire, etc.)
  • Tools for high frequency test designs, including multiple timepoints, alternate forms, counterbalancing, randomization (e.g. for measurement burst, longitudinal, or ecological momentary assessment designs)
  • Customization of tests and measures
  • Stand-alone and downloadable cognitive tests for offline use (in the absence of internet or cellular connectivity)
  • Return of full raw data
  • Bulk data download through a private data portal
  • Custom infrastructure for data management (e.g. sending data to a central server)
  • Custom reporting tools and dashboards for integration with large multi-site studies
  • Support with data analysis and interpretation
  • Providing grant application materials
  • Recommendations on test selection and study design
  • Support with human subjects and IRB protocols

Please contact us at info@testmybrain.org if you have any other questions about custom studies or are preparing a grant application where you need a budget or other materials (example full data report, TMB Test List, etc). We also can provide a Letter of Support along with language for use in grant applications.

Fill out our Study Intake Form to receive a quote for a TMB Custom Study. As a not-for-profit initiative, all fees go towards maintenance of the overall platform, toolkits, and cognitive test development. Typical response time: 1 business day.